METOS® solutions are a combination of deployed hardware (IoT) and software (Saas) to give the users the crucial environmental information for actional decision-making. The measurements done by the weather stations and other data loggers in the field and the calculations and analysis done in FieldClimate are the comprehensive solution for the efficient management of all farming activities.

The holistic solutions for precision agriculture
Pessl Instruments has been serving growers, researchers and managers in 85 countries for more than 38 years. They help with customizable precision agriculture hardware and software solutions which cover all needs, pain points and challenges that boots on the ground face in their everyday work.
Weather stations

The lack of real-time localised weather data leading to a lack of timely response undermines agricultural yields and lowers incomes. With METOS® VWS you get everything you need for a flawless agricultural process:
- A perfect entry into precision agriculture with no maintenance cost.
- Optimize your fieldwork planning from the comfort of your home.
- Very cost-effective, simple to use and activated with a few clicks on the computer or phone.
- Users get access to the whole FieldClimate suite of tools.
- Seamless integration into partner management software (John Deere, FarmFacts, 365Farmnet etc.) with the help of our API.
- Can be any point on Earth – without exception.
- Offers the same range of solutions as an actual weather station
- Calculates all the essential parameters for the most effective results.
- Works as a complete decision support service – provides weather forecast, offers disease models, and helps with work planning.

With miniMETOS all the potential issues and stress events can be identified before they occur or become visible. O a combination of the most essential sensors for irrigation and water stress management.
The device is battery-powered with a battery life of 6 to 12 months and provides useful data, such as the exact amount of moisture and soil temperature in every centimetre/cm of the measurement area, to help you plan your irrigation event and provide timely warnings of potential stress points.
- Permanent moisture and soil temperature measurement at any of your locations.
- Invisible, so it doesn’t affect the workers and the aesthetic of location (golf course, park etc.).
- No solar panel needed as long life battery powered based on the latest power harvesting technology
- No solar panel needed as long life battery powered based on the latest power harvesting technology
- Prevents possible vandalism.

Give farmers remote access in close real-time to the conditions in the field 24/7.
Spring frost can be a devastating experience for any farmer – not only can it damage the plants and/or crops in the field, it can completely destroy them. This way, a great deal of hard work, time and effort the farmer puts into planting and nurturing the fields are lost. In the worst case scenarios, it can mean an extreme financial loss as well.
nMETOS FROST is a simple product made for one specific use case: Detecting of wet and dry bulb temperatures and informing clients about the risks in real time based on the integrated logic inside the product.
- From site-specific sensors, the frost module provides the measurements of wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures.
- When a frost event is close to happening an alert is sent by text, sound and email.
- Know the exact moment in which crops are at risk.
- Determine if your frost mitigation tools are having the desired effect
or need to be adjusted for efficiency.
What do you need to know about your crops?
The robust and powerful platform for all your AG decision needs.
FieldClimate was introduced in 2005 as the first-ever web platform for collecting and displaying agro-meteorological data for tens of thousands of weather stations and sensors installed worldwide.
FieldClimate is more than just an extension of the hardware. It gathers, calculates, analyses and graphically presents the data from measurements done by the sensor (sets) in the field. With activating weather forecast, plant disease models, and satellite and/or FarmView subscriptions for FieldClimate, you get an extensive group of solutions that help accept every important farming decision.
iSCOUT® Mobil
combining iSCOUT® traps with commonly used manual trap devices
The user takes a picture of the sticky boards with his phone, and the caught insects are automatically counted and identified in the app. The iSCOUT® Mobile app is available via Apple App Store and Google Play store. A subscription for insect detection has to be activated to have the app working with full functionality.